Thursday, June 17, 2010


people dont like to live in the same place for a long time.
so they wants to go from one place to another. by travelling we mean gowing from one place to another for maney purposes. we can go to different parts of the country or aboard.
in nepal different people go travelling for different purposes.
we can share ideas with maney people and get knowledge. travelling creates good understanding
and sympathy. the contact with the people helps to understand the ways and manners
of different people . it also broadens our mind.the prejudices and wrong conceptions are removed.
thirdly listen we foget we see we remember.travelling helps the students to remember things
better they have read.
the people in our country do not give more importaince to travelling . it is because majority of people are poor.
another reason is that travelling is different here as the country lack is specially difficuld in the hilly bregion.
inthe rainy season travelling is more challenging.
travelling hass many we must give more importance to it.

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