Sunday, June 20, 2010

Technical education

technical education is the educationwhich give speacial skills in some subjects.
it mean theoretical and practical knowledge in using machines and instrumants.
we not only get the theoretical knowledge about some aubjects but also know how to handle the machine to produce vairise things.techinical education is the revers of academic education. in acadwmic education we get only the theoretical knowledge. we do not get pratical knowledge. civil, meachinical, chemical, elecatical and telecommunication engineering, agricuture, mining, weaving, pttery are some example of teachinical education.
nepal is still backward in every developmental fielde. the mean reason for this is the lack of technical man power . there are few technical school and colledges in our country. so most of us get academic education. threre are many unemployed people who have academic education. on the other hand, there is the want of technical man power in many developmental fields. so it has been a high time to open many technical school and college. it helps a solve the problem of unemployment and supplies the nation with technical man power in developmental fields.

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