Sunday, June 20, 2010

Physical Exercise

the world physical is tekan from the noun body. it means the exercies of different parts of our body. it is needed for those people who do mental works. the teacher, doctors, office workers who are engaed in mental works need physical exercies. the people who do manual labour dont need physical exercies. in the coures of their works the different parts. of the body aer alresdy exercised. the farmers, potters, factory workers dont need physical execies.

there are different kinds of physical exercies. walking is the easy kind. the other kinds are outdoor games such as swimming running.

physical exercies must be taken in the open air. morning is the best time of physical execies

as fresh air can be used in the morning. it is harmful to take exeices after the meal. Evining is also suitable time for must be taken moderately. Excess of exercies damages our health.

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