Sunday, June 20, 2010

Physical Exercise

the world physical is tekan from the noun body. it means the exercies of different parts of our body. it is needed for those people who do mental works. the teacher, doctors, office workers who are engaed in mental works need physical exercies. the people who do manual labour dont need physical exercies. in the coures of their works the different parts. of the body aer alresdy exercised. the farmers, potters, factory workers dont need physical execies.

there are different kinds of physical exercies. walking is the easy kind. the other kinds are outdoor games such as swimming running.

physical exercies must be taken in the open air. morning is the best time of physical execies

as fresh air can be used in the morning. it is harmful to take exeices after the meal. Evining is also suitable time for must be taken moderately. Excess of exercies damages our health.

Technical education

technical education is the educationwhich give speacial skills in some subjects.
it mean theoretical and practical knowledge in using machines and instrumants.
we not only get the theoretical knowledge about some aubjects but also know how to handle the machine to produce vairise things.techinical education is the revers of academic education. in acadwmic education we get only the theoretical knowledge. we do not get pratical knowledge. civil, meachinical, chemical, elecatical and telecommunication engineering, agricuture, mining, weaving, pttery are some example of teachinical education.
nepal is still backward in every developmental fielde. the mean reason for this is the lack of technical man power . there are few technical school and colledges in our country. so most of us get academic education. threre are many unemployed people who have academic education. on the other hand, there is the want of technical man power in many developmental fields. so it has been a high time to open many technical school and college. it helps a solve the problem of unemployment and supplies the nation with technical man power in developmental fields.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interduction of games

there are maney adventages of indor and out door games.
indoor games are usefullto those are inveloved in physicale acivities . they provities knowledge and trick. they exciesise brian . the outdoor games have many adventages.
we learn the importaince of team worke.if a player is selfish the team cam not win the games.
secondly outdoor games teach how to works herd . without hard work the team con not win games . thirtly outdoor games teach us dicipline . their is strict discipline in the games. the player s have to obey the capitain or umpire.
games ahould get special attention at school. but they are neglected in moust of the schools in our coutry . it is bat. there most be the provision of games in every schools and campuses . then and there only we can expect healthy citizens.

the seasons

the summer season has four month.
it starts from may and lasts till august. it is excessive hot in the terai region. the hilly region and vallys are also hot. the high mountains remain june rain begins and it helps to decrease the temperature to some extent.the farmers are busy in planing crops mainly paddy and jute.must of the people are farmers in our country.must people are seen inthe farm busys in planting crops. we are lucky to have different season.if their had been only one season. our life world have been dull. the different season are usefull to do different kinds of activities. our life is more exciting because of different seasons

introduction of nepal

nepal is a mountainous country.
it is a situated on the lap of the himalayas. it is a small country. it is about 500miles long
and 100 miles wides. the papulation of the country is about 20 million.
the people of mongoliam ace mainly lives in this region.there are hilles and narrow valleys in the central parts
koshi gandaki and karnali are the main rivers of the nepal hydro electric ty is produced from these rivers.
they are used for the irrigretion purpose too.
bhairahawa birgunja janakpur there are no good roads in the country. the main hindrance for the
development of the country is the shaortage of roads.
nepal is the least development country of the world.
it has to depand on the forgeign aids for developmental activities. the leaders must be honest and hardworking. only then people activities participate in developmental activities.for this leaders must be mode.


people dont like to live in the same place for a long time.
so they wants to go from one place to another. by travelling we mean gowing from one place to another for maney purposes. we can go to different parts of the country or aboard.
in nepal different people go travelling for different purposes.
we can share ideas with maney people and get knowledge. travelling creates good understanding
and sympathy. the contact with the people helps to understand the ways and manners
of different people . it also broadens our mind.the prejudices and wrong conceptions are removed.
thirdly listen we foget we see we remember.travelling helps the students to remember things
better they have read.
the people in our country do not give more importaince to travelling . it is because majority of people are poor.
another reason is that travelling is different here as the country lack is specially difficuld in the hilly bregion.
inthe rainy season travelling is more challenging.
travelling hass many we must give more importance to it.

The forests in Nepal

nepal is a mountainous country.
it is situated on the lap of is naturally rice although it is economically poor.
the green forests and water falls snow capped mountains tranquillakes are
her main attractions.nepal is popular all over the world for her natural beauty.
forests are the main natural resources of nepal. maney kinds of forests com be found because of
attitudinal variation.hence we often says. green forests is the wealth of nepal;
in fact forests contrybute a lot for the nations economic upliftment.they have different adventage.
their must be the provision of sever punishment for thoes who destry\oy
the jungle. in addition ; different activites shoult be launched.
the afforrestation program should be carried out all over the count5ry.
it has been too late to launch different programes to preserve the forests.
in this connestion the people s invelopment to crucil. they should be empowered to preserve the jungle for their own benifit.